Celebrations with NOWCS
Decorations, snacks, and activities for a holiday party add up to about $150. Birthday cake and presents add up to about $75.
Enrichment Programs with CANO
Costs for activity materials add up to about $150 for each program. We aim to host a themed learning opportunity at least 4 times each semester.
Room Sponsorship at NOWCS
The cost of one furnished room begins at $3,500. Thanks to generous contributions, we were able to donate two rooms to NOWCS last year.
Programming at Tulane
Basketball Games
Last year we hosted 40 students from the Youth Empowerment Project to a Tulane men's basketball game. Each ticket costs $3, bringing out total for tickets to $120. The food provided for our attendees costs another $500.
Football Games
Hosting students from YEP to a football game includes 50 tickets at $5 in our private section and 50 tickets at $10 each for general seating. Another $750 goes towards catering the event and $200 covers transportation for our partners to and from campus.
A booth at the New Orleans Bookfest includes purchasing books by a featured author to give away to attendees. Our booth also provides activities for attendees of the festival. The total for this programming costs $500.

Thanksgiving Drive & Field Day
Thanks to the Keefe Family Foundation, we are able to host an annual Thanksgiving food drive for YEP and NOWCS families and a festival each spring for youth around our community. If you are interested in supporting Strong City with a grant, please reach out to us at nola@mystrongcity.org

Since its establishment in 2015 as a 501(c)(3) foundation to support gun violence research, Strong City has grown to flourish as a student-run non-profit organization with programming on campus and throughout New Orleans.
With over 300 student members and 5 incredible community partner organizations, Strong City empowers college students to make positive change in the community.
We rely on charitable donations to keep working towards our mission of combatting deep-rooted cycles of poverty and violence.

What does Strong City mean to you?
Here's what our student leaders have to say:
Comments from our Community Partners:
Meet Sidney Coleman, Executive Assistant at the New Orleans Women and Children's Shelter:
“Since its inception, Strong City has generously supported Youth Empowerment Project. Over the last several years, Strong City has donated boxes of food and gift cards to hundreds of YEP families. We are so grateful to Strong City for its support of our families as YEP provides
nearly 1,000 young people each year with
high school equivalency education,
work-based learning opportunities,
enrichment programming,
and mentoring.”
- Jerome Jupiter,
Chief Operating Officer at YEP